Business Meeting - February 2014

  • Thu, February 13, 2014
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Richardson Woman's Club (Clubhouse)


Please note that the February business meeting that was cancelled last week due to the weather has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 13, at the RWC clubhouse.  Since RISD canceled their evening activities due to inclement weather, I was able to reserve Thursday for Altrusa without incurring an additional charge.  The agenda will follow.  Please note that we have a lot on important business to address so I hope you will make every effort to attend.

“Leading Loudly, Serving Proudly!”

Pam Kovacs, 2013-2014 President

“Altrusa believes it is not enough to be good. 

Altrusans must be good for something.”    Mamie L. Bass  1921